Don't Pay Me = PD Upgrade!!! June 20, 1992 01:56 am ---------------------- Note to all, Well, it happened. I finally got around to writing a commercial program and got screwed big time. The other individual writing code for Lockpick (Matthew Linsemier a.k.a. Wolverine/Nemesis, sysop of Nemesis WHQ, the pirate board Central Nervous system: +1 517 323 0002 -- How about the SPA nailing his ass to a brick wall?) released a rather buggy 1.0 version to one Eurosoft Inc. without my approval while I was on vacation in March-April 1992. I did not get to sign a contract, and thus possess no rights to the program. This offends me big time. _TRES_ BIG TIME. 2) Since the program has gone to market, I have not received payment at all for my effort in the program code. The code itself comprises over a year of work in writing an interpreter to execute custom parameter code. Working at a McDonalds for said amount of time would have yielded me approximately $12,000 compared to the sum I have received for Lockpick which is exactly equivalent to zip. For this reason, I hereby release all source and executables for version two to the public domain. The individual who wrote XCopy expressed the same thought I feel: "Pay your programmers and they won't release upgrades in PD..." About the only problem I noted in v2.04 of Kickstart is that "bitplane garbage" may appear above rasterline $2c in NTSC due to heavy copperlist usage. When I get the Libraries RKM for 2.04, I will locate the copperlist clipping routine and fix it. 3) OK, the goodies for all of you... the sources archive contains the complete ASCII source in C and Assembler for all the Lockpick source. Feel free to rape and pillage these routines as you wish. I don't care what you steal. I got raped, so rape Eurosoft! It should be easy to track what I do as I heavily commented the program. To see the parameters, run DLZBS on the params:parameters directory. Warning! PARAMS: must be assigned to your executable directory. Don't ask why... just do it. If you use the startup script provided, all will work A-OK. The executables archive contains the executables for Lockpick. Note that the C directory contains the following: BUILD - makes .faaastprm file from a .faaastdir and a crunched parameters dir. If Eurosoft paid me, you would be graced with an UNBUILD, but that's life. Build will look at params:.faaastdir and params:parameters and generate a composite of all files contained therein. In this manner, you may have over 800 parameters on disk. (since small files possess header blocks, this saves MUCH floppy space) It is _highly_ recommended that you LZBS crunch the params:parameters directory to obtain a small as possible .faaastprm file as possible. COMP - prints differences between two sets of files. Useful for generating parameters. DLZBS - will decrunch all files in the current directory that possess a valid LZBS header. The only exeception is the .faaastprm file which possesses a series of about 500+ LZBS files one after the other. GENERATE - will generate a parameter file from two files. The two are cross-referenced and turned into a third parameter file. The source file will be referenced as "ORIGxx" and the destination as "FIXxx" in the parameter file. Depending of the type of storage on disk, you will have to use FGEN (Generic File Template), or DGEN (Generic Disk Template). For MFM and bootblocks, see other text files or decrunch the template files and check out how the magic is done... LZBS - will crunch the files in the current directory if they do not have an LZBS header. Pre-crunched files are ignored. Since I do not use any advanced hash routines, the crunching may take quite a while. (If I got paid... You get the idea...) XREF - will display all files in the params:parameters directory and which include files they call. This is handy because Matt screwed up and used several old include files which did not exist. If a file uses an include that does not exist, you're SOL... 4) Matt is a big loser. He tries to hide the fact that he is Wolverine/Nemesis STEALING parameters from cracks by The Surge, Raw Copy, and Maverick. If I were the individuals in the development team behind Rawcopy, Project D, and Maverick, I'd take a good hard look at the patches he applies and sue the pants off him. Nice try, Matt; but using an Action Replay cart and the GENERATE program does not make you a cracker. Possibly you should try to learn CODING and give up your antediluvian ways of stealing the hard work of others, including myself. 5) Eurosoft, you have no legal recourse against me. Thank you very much for not EVEN ATTEMPTING TO CONSULT ME on releasing Lockpick to the commercial market. IF I SIGNED A CONTRACT THIS WOULD NOT HAPPEN. You lost a programmer. Sure, wine and dine a PARAMETER THIEF whilst a poor college student attempts to squeeze out an existance in the United States Air Force. To hell with you. All of you. 6) I hereby stop all activities in "The Scene" as of today. I entrust members of all groups such as Crack (Hi Slowhand and Sadist Fiend!), Skid Row, and _coding_ groups such as Phenomena (Azatoth, yeah!) and Scoopex to spread this production sh*tless. The rest of you leeches can go f*ck yourselves. Nemesis was a good idea--but since Surge got a girlfriend and dropped the scene, it went to hell. N.O.M.A.D, keep up the good work, but don't let yourself get screwed like Matt screwed me. 7) In closing... If Matt claims this is a version that is about to "format your hard drive", he is a lamer. He pulled that same crapola when Price/TFA released a resourced version of 1.0 of Lockpick. Matt is truly lame, not any members of TFA or those who upload this archive to any BBS'es. 8) Nobody let Eurosoft release anything... All they want is your money, not your code. My HST is sold and I'm totally legit now, -Bansai/BSI Labs Known in real life as: Tony Bybell PSC 1 Box 1869 Offutt AFB, NE 68113 USA [Matt, the phone number has been changed! Eat me!] Eurosoft, if you even ATTEMPT to sue me, you will have the wrath of an entity even more POWERFUL than God rain upon you. Read and Heed! You should've checked for those NASTY bugs that inflict INTERLACED WORKBENCHES. You lamers. All of you should be terminated. The bugs still exist. (Pay me you creeps!) Also, maybe your lame technical writes should LEARN HOW TO SPELL!!! Too bad there are so many spelling errors in the manual. Go to the Schwarzenegger Speech Institute, Mr. Babcock?